Friday, 14 June 2013


Sport England recently announced their latest ‘once a week participation figures for each funded sport’.

Please note these figures from the Active People Survey (APS) are usually run on a twelve month rolling basis from October to October. As we are only part way through 2013, the APS7 figures represent a twelve month period from April’12 to April’13.

Here are the ‘once a week participation’ figures for Badminton.

APS1 (Oct 05–Oct 06) – 516,000
APS2 (Oct 07-Oct 08) – 535,000
APS3 (Oct 08-Oct 09) – 539,400
APS4 (Oct 09–Oct 10) – 520,900
APS5 (Oct 10-Oct 11) – 510,300
APS6 (Oct 11-Oct 12) – 544,200
APS7 (Apr 12-Apr 13) – 499.000

From these figures you can see that fewer people now play badminton once a week in 2012/13 compared with 2005/06.

There has been a substantial reduction during the last and first quarter of 2012-13.

Out of 29 funded sports Badminton’s results were 26 th out of 29. Meaning there were only three other sports who recorded worse results for ‘once a week participation’ for the period April 2012 – April 2013.

The main funding bodies of Sport England and UK Sport base their allocation on performance at major championships and increased participation.

Badminton England may believe in their own spin as success but a large reduction in funding of £950,000 per year for the next four years from Sport England & UK Sport coupled with a substantial reduction of once a week participation figures for badminton in 2012/13 paints a different picture.